Executive Director of the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Center of the University of Montana Deena Mansour

Deena Mansour

Deena Mansour is Executive Director of the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Center of the University of Montana (UM). Since joining the Center in 2009, she has secured $30 million in funding to foster globally minded leaders of integrity through Mansfield programs in international exchange and democracy. She has served as a speaker at YSEALI events throughout southeast Asia, and has lectured at a number of foreign universities. Her organization is the only institution in the U.S. that hosts both YSEALI Professional as well as Academic Fellows.  Deena served as a U.S. diplomat in Jakarta for four years, and has had the opportunity to conduct work activities in each of the YSEALI countries. While her focus largely draws on her expertise in Asia, she develops leadership programs across the globe, from the Women’s Leadership Initiative at the University of Montana to State Department Sports Diplomacy programs for marginalized populations in Latin America.  Deena has previously worked as a diplomat, as marketing director for a Dow Jones community newspaper, and on State Department exchanges at the Institute of International Education. She earned her master’s degree in public administration at UM, and a bachelor’s degree in international relations and economics at American University in Washington, DC. She has worked or studied in more than 40 countries, and has studied Indonesian, Arabic, and French. Her passion is working with YSEALI fellows, and she looks forward to getting to know and supporting each of you!

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